WofSPortugal Academy
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The paragraphs that follow provide information about the WofSPortugal Academy Training Programme General Conditions.
Training falls within the scope of Distribution Channels, Logistics/Supply Chain Management and Maritime Economics. It is technical, highlighting the business's theoretical and practical aspects and offering Participants the necessary competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills and abilities) to improve their professional performance. It embraces MasterClasses and Short Courses (hereinafter Courses).
The Training Programme main objectives are to:
** understand the behaviour of Distribution Channels, Logistics/Supply Chain Management and Maritime Economics;
** improve the communications among the different players within the scope of Distribution Channels, Logistics/Supply Chain Management and Maritime Economics;
** promote Participants' professional development by improving their global competencies, i.e., knowledge, skills and abilities;
** emphasise the practical knowledge about a variety of relevant topics; and
** explore new areas of interest.
Training Programme specific objectives are associated with the objectives of each MasterClass or Course. For each of them, specific content is developed considering the international content delivered by worldwide recognised institutions to allow Participants to obtain synergies at the knowledge level and improve their careers. The MasterClasses and Courses Training Programmes are updated following the feedback received to meet market needs.
MasterClasses and Courses can be delivered either in a synchronous online or classroom environments.
For synchronous online training, the maximum number of Participants is 20.
For training in a classroom context, the maximum number of Participants depends upon the size of the room. Participants will be informed about it when the training is announced.
For training in a classroom context, Participants will be informed in advance about the location where the it takes place. For synchronous online training, Participants will be informed about the platform being used. In both cases, further information will be given when the MasterClass or Course Registration is fully complete. Only then Participants receive the full instructions to access the Training Programme.
MasterClasses and Courses are delivered in English.
Participation in MasterClasses or Courses requires:
** The fulfilment of the MasterClass or Course Registration Procedures;
** The payment of the MasterClass or Course Registration Fee;
** Participantes to have an attendance equal to or above 90% of the MasterClass or Course (this condition applies to both in-class and online class training);
** The realisation of the allocated tasks given that they are an integral part of the MasterClass or Course (this condition applies to both in-class and online class training);
** Having computer skills. For the online class training, Participants must have access to a computer with Internet connection, compatible operating systems, web browsers and an email account. An email account is necessary. Participants must also be familiar with the usage of a computer for sending/receiving emails or Internet searching.
All Participants who fulfil with the above conditions are eligible for a MasterClass or Course Participation Certificate. The Certificate to be delivered at the end of the MasterClass or Course.
There are no requested precedencies to participate in the several MasterClasses or Courses, unless such is stated in their webpages. However, the Participants' profile needs to be aligned with the contents of the MasterClasses or Courses. MasterClasses and Courses registration includes both enrolment and payment activities.
Information regarding the Enrolment and Payment Deadlines will be indicated when the MasterClasses or Courses are announced.
The registration for each MasterClass or Course is to be performed through the Online Registration Form. Participants need to provide the requested information within the timeframe announced. The submission of the Online Registration Form implies that Participants accept the conditions foreseen for each MasterClass or Course.
Registration implies the MasterClass or Course payment. Payment must be done after the enrolment has been confirmed and within the timeframe announced.
Participants and/or Institutions responsible for the Registration must:
** Meet the Enrolment and Payment deadlines;
** Respect the filling criteria of the Online Registration Form fully; and
** Agree with the objectives and contents of the MasterClass or Course.
Registration will only be valid, after we have verified that payment has been performed and confirm Participants / Institutions in writing. If we do not provide any feedback within the 48 hours timeframe, please send us an email. Priority is given to registrations entrance order.
The MasterClass or Course will take place subject to the number of Participants announced.
MasterClass and Course Registration Fees vary per MasterClass or Course contents and duration. The Registration Fees charged imply that Participants:
** Attend the Course based on its publicised announcements;
** Have access to the corresponding MasterClass or Course documentation and supporting material; and
** receive a "Certificate of Attendance" as long as they have fulfilled with the Participation Conditions.
The MasterClass or Course Registration Fees charged neither include the expenses allocated to Participants' travelling and/or accommodation and/or meals not foreseen in the in-class training nor the expenses allocated for fulfilling with the online class training requirements.
The non-fulfilment of the payment within the expected deadline implies the Cancellation of the Registration.
Information about the Registration Fees for the different MasterClasses or Courses are presented in the corresponding webpages.
Payment can be made by
** PayPAL, or
Please note that charges apply for each of the above Payment Methods and are not included in the MasterClass or Course Registration Fees. The final amount to be transferred by using any of these methods is the total amount calculated (MasterClass or Course Registration Fee + Applied Charges). Information concerning the charges applied to each payment method are found in the Online Registration Form.
For all payment methods, the Registration will only be valid after we verify the amount paid and confirm to Participants/Institutions in writing.
The Courses target all Players and people interested in Maritime Economics and related issues.
This target audience includes University Students, Importers / Exporters, Shippers, Shipping Companies, Vessel Operators, Shipping Agents, Freight Forwarders, Supply Chain Managers, 3PLs, Port Authorities, Port Terminal Operators, International and/or Intermodal Transport Companies, Maritime Lawyers, Consultants, and other parties having a specific interest in the subject matter.
Participants and/or Institutions have the right to cancel the Registration. Cancellation Deadline will be indicated when the Course is announced. To cancel the registration, send us an email indicating the Participant's name and the MasterClass or Course.
In addition, the following conditions apply:
** For written Cancellations made until the Cancellation Deadline, Participants will receive a full refund of any payment made. However, a handling fee of 100 € will be charged.
** For written Cancellations made after the Cancellation Deadline, a penalty of 50% of the MasterClass or Course Registration Fee applies to compensate for damages incurred from last minutes dropouts.
The realisation of the MasterClass or Course on the foreseen dates is guaranteed, except in cases of force majeure.
In the case of MasterClass or Course Cancellation, WofSPortugal Academy guarantees the return of the full amount charged.
In the case of MasterClass or Course postponement, WofSPortugal Academy guarantees to transfer the full amount charged to another Registration in case Participants / Institutions agree with such transfer.
Participants will receive the corresponding documentation and supporting material at the beginning or during the MasterClass or Course, depending upon the type of training.
A list of recommended reading will be provided at the beginning of each MasterClass or Course; this recommended reading is not included in the MasterClass or Course Registration Fee.
MasterClass or Course duration and timetable will be presented in the corresponding webpage. They depend upon the their Programme.
All Coaches are professionals and specialists in the subjects being delivered.
For additional information about the WofSPortugal Academy Training Programme, email us at training@worldofshipping.org.
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Updated @ 01 January 2025