2023 - Maritime Logistics Unplugged. Splash247.com, 01 February (https://splash247.com/maritime-logistics-unplugged/) |
2021 - Staying on the Front Foot. Splash247.com, 30 July (https://splash247.com/staying-on-the-front-foot/) |
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2007 - Motorways of the seaport requirements. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 175: 20-22 |
2007 - The role of Portuguese ports in the Iberian supply chains, Newsletter dos Portos de Setúbal e Sesimbra, 13: 8-9 |
2006 - Co-written with Peter B. Marlow. Leanness and Agility in Ports. Yuan Cheng Group Co. Ltd Magasine, 3(7): 52-54 |
2006 - The trans-European transport networks and short sea shipping. Circular letter of the Portuguese Short Sea Shipping Association (APTMCD - Associação Portuguesa do Transporte Marítimo de Curta Distância), 14th July |
2006 - As Redes Transeuropeias de Transporte e o Transporte Marítimo de Curta Distância, Circular letter Nr. 158/06, of the Portuguese Shipping Agents Association (AGEPOR - Associação dos Agentes de Navegação de Portugal, 14th July |
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2004 - Promotion of short sea shipping. Revista Neptuno, 41-42: 22-35 |
2004 - Productivity and Colaborative Logistics. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 151: 36-37 |
2004 - Setúbal 2005: Port Training in discussion. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 149: 12-13 |
2004 - River waterfronts versus port activities. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 148, p12 |
2004 - Shippers have discussed ISPS and shipping & port regulation. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 146: 10-12 |
2004 - Realise has gathered short sea shipping experts in Setúbal. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 145: 12-13 |
2004 - Short Sea Shipping. Competitiveness and Logistics Chains. Economia Pura, 63: 86-88 |
2003 - Portwork: A vocation merging with existing competencies in the world transport and logistics industries: The need to develop an international modular educational programme. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 136: 10-11 |
2002 - Logistics research focused on transport. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 129: 28-29 |
2002 - APLOG Conference: Logistics, strategic and operational visions. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 128: 28-30 |
2001 - The trans-European networks and the integration of Portugal in the European and Worldwide Economies. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 115: 6-9 |
2001 - Normalising training curricula of worldwide port industry. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 114: 20-21 |
2001 - TOC brings to Lisbon the intelligence port operations. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 114: 10-12 |
2001 - Management by performance in the maritime and port sectors. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 111: 14-17 |
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2000 - Transport heading to logistic ways. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 104: 4-6 |
2000 - Port Privatisation - The global record and outlook. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 101: 22-26 |
2000 - Challenges of Intermodal Transport. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 99: 10-12 |
2000 - Intermodal 99, London, the City of Intermodalism. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 98: 26-28 |
2000 - Demand of commodities. The demand for crude. Neptuno, 27-28: 9-16 |
2000 - The ‘f’ Factors in the equation of Supply & Demand - The freight rate mechanisms in the dry bulk market. Neptuno, 26: 21-25 |
2000 - The ‘f’ Factors in the equation of Supply & Demand - The supply of shipping. Neptuno, 25: 13-19 |
1999 - Discussion of micro e macro logistics. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 97: 28-29 |
1999 - BIMCO has chosen Lisbon for its annual meeting. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 92: 20-21 |
1999 - The ‘f’ Factors in the equation of Supply & Demand - The demand for shipping function. Neptuno, 23-24: 18-25 |
1999 - The ‘f’ Factors in the equation of Supply & Demand - The boom and burst cycle. Neptuno, 21-22: 12-14. |
1998 - High Speed Craft in Maritime Transport - Part 3. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 85: 12-14 |
1998 - Discovering Logistics 2000. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 84: 34-35 |
1998 - High Speed Craft in Maritime Transport - Part 2. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 84: 12-14 |
1998 - High Speed Craft in Maritime Transport - Part 1. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 83: 16-18 |
1998 - Inspire, an Analysis to Short Sea Shipping. Cargo, Transportes e Logística, 82: 12-14 |