Book Chapters & Other Research |
Book Chapters |
Chapter 13. Co-written with Enrico Musso and Ana Rita Lynce. Economics of Shortsea Shipping. In: Costas Th Grammenos (Edt.), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, 3rd ed., pp.unknown. To be Published. |
2014 - Chapter 12. European Short Sea Shipping Policy Issues. In: Jingjing Xu (Edt.), Contemporary Marine and Maritime Policy, Nova Science: New York, pp. 229-269. |
2013 - Chapter 9. Port choice in the European short sea shipping market: a port authorities view point. In: Ennio Forte (Edt.), Economics and Logistics in Short and Deep Sea Market. Studies in honor of Guido Grimaldi Founder of Grimaldi Group, FrancoAngeli: Milano, pp,198-227. |
2010 - Chapter 13. Co-written with Enrico Musso and Ana Rita Lynce. Economics of Shortsea Shipping. In: Costas Th Grammenos (Edt.), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, 2nd ed., Lloyds of London Press: London. pp.391-429. |
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Other Research |
Previous Research |
2007 - Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento na Competitividade das Empresas e a Criação de Valor, (in English: Supply Chain Management in the Competitiveness of Business Enterprises and the Value of Chain), Cargo Edições. Published in the July/August 2007 Cargo Magazine. The work was sponsored by Administração dos Porto de Sines and Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões (Monograph). |
2006 - Co-written with Peter B. Marlow. The impact of the trans-European transport networks in the development of short sea shipping, Working Paper nº 17, Lisbon: Instituto Superior de Gestão (Working Paper). |
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