WofSPortugal Training Resources
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World of Shipping Portugal - Training Resources
This Section aims at providing a wide range of information that the Industry, Leading Academic Scientists, Researchers, Research Scholars, Students and all Interested Stakeholders interested Education and Training. From a structural perspective, this Section is completed, however not finished since it is updated whenever we identify valuable informatio. We welcome all inputs that relate to the contents found in each of the categories sub-categories. We also appreciate that web-page visitors inform us about any broken links.
 About Training and Learning 
1. Training | Learning Issues 6. Glossaries on Training | Learning
2. Teaching Guides 7. Training Courses
3. Books on Training | Learning 8. Training | Learning Organisations
4. Journals on Training | Learning 9. Education | Training Statistics
5. Magazines | News Plaforms 10. Teaching Portfolios
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 Course Design and Development
1. Training Needs Assessment 4. Authoring Tools Software
2. Training | Learning Design 5. Learning Designer Platform
3. About Authoring Tools  
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 Types of Training and Learning
1. About the Types Training | Learning 7. Online Based Training | Learning Issues
2. Face-to-Face Training | Learning 8. Computer Based Training | Learning
3. Distance Training | Learning 9. Synchronous and Asynchronous Training | Learning
4. Digital Training | Learning 10. Blended Learning (B-Learning)
5. Electronic Training | Learning 11. Flipped Classroom
6. Online Based Training | Learning 12. Scenario-based Learning
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 Training and Learning Assessment and Feedback
1. About Training | Learning Assessment 6. Online Training | Learning Assessment
2. Formative Assessment 7. Blended Training | Learning Assessment
3. Summative Assessment 8. e-Portfolios
4. Face-to-Face Training | Learning Assessment 9. Training | Assessment Tools - Quizzing & Testing Tools
5. Distance Training | Learning Assessment  
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 Training and Learning Evaluation
1. Engaging and Motivating Students 3. Learning Analytics
2. Receiving Feedback  
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 Training and Learning Materials
1. Production of Training | Learning Materials 8. Making and Sharing Podcasts Tools
2. Making and Sharing Slides 9. Making and Sharing Video and Animations
3. Making and Sharing Publications (inc. eBooks)​ 10. Making and Sharing Video and Animations​ Tools
4. Making and Sharing Publications (inc. eBooks) Tools 11. Making and Sharing Courses on any Device
5. Making and Sharing Activities 12. Making and Sharing iTunes Courses
6. Making and Sharing Activities Tools 13. Other Useful Technologies
7. Making and Sharing Podcasts  
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 Training and Learning Delivery
1. Digital Literacy 5. Serious Gaming
2. Keeping Safe with Online Teaching 6. Online Learning Communities
3. Social Media in Training | Learning 7. Online Discussion Forums
4. Remote Laboratories  
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 Training | Learning Technologies
1. About Educational Technology 7. Open Educational Resources
2. Virtual Classroom Issues 8. About Copyright Issues
3. Virtual Classroom Tools 9. About Online Training | Learning Platforms
4. Learning Management Systems 10. Online Education Platforms
5. Open Learning Management Systems 11. Online Short Course Platforms
6. Closed Learning Management Systems  
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 Training and Learning Technologies in a Maritime Context
1. Open Education Resources - Logistics & Transport 5. Maritime Projects
2. Serious Games in Transport and Logistics 6. Maritime Studies
3. Maritime Training Platforms  
4. Maritime Training Materials  
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 About Train. | Learn.
 Design and Develop.
 Types of Train. | Learn.
 Assessment  |  Feedback
 Train. | Learn. Evaluation
 Train. | Learn. Materials
 Train. | Learn. Delivery
 Train. | Learn. Technolog.
 Train. | Learn. Maritime
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 2018 - 2025 © Ana Casaca
Updated @ 01 January 2025